70-688 Exam Questions has been Updated on February! 70-688 New Dumps and New 70-688 Exam Questions can be Free downloaded Here! I have already passed by using the new 70-688 Dump, wish most of you can pass 70-688 Certification Exam!
Exam Code: 70-688
Exam Name: Supporting Windows 8.1
Certification Provider: Microsoft
Corresponding Certifications: MCSA, MCSA: Windows 8, MCSE: Enterprise Devices and Apps
Certification Simple Introduction (I think this is very important for preparation):
Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who configure or support Windows 8 computers, devices, users, and associated network and security resources. The networks with which these professionals typically work are configured as domain-based or peer-to-peer environments with access to the Internet and cloud services.
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