CAT-440 easy pass guide: Preparing for CA Technologies CAT-440 exam is really a tough task to accomplish. However, Greatexam delivers the most comprehensive preparation material, covering each and every aspect of CAT-440 exam curriculum. And our exam preparation material is rich in variety. We offer CAT-440 PDF format and CAT-440 practice test with free VCE player. Both are the newest version. We ensure you pass CAT-440 exam without any problem.
When you configure product data sources for CA Performance Center, which factor do you need to consider?
A. Only one data source product can be attached to a single CA Performance Center instance.
B. The parameters and definitions of registered data sources are not shared with any other registered data sources.
C. Each specific data source product must be registered with CA Performance Center before any configuration is attempted.
D. Each specific data source product must accept and utilize exactly the same set of rights and permissions as all other data source products.
Answer: C
Regardless of the deployment size, for CA Performance Center installations:
A. the CPU must be quad core and at least 1 GHz.
B. the web browser you use must run in Compatibility mode.
C. you must use a 32-bit version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
D. you must have 1 GB of free disk space in the /tmp directory and at least 40 GB of free disk space for the database.
Answer: D
When planning menus for dashboards, which guideline should you follow?
A. Never add custom dashboards to a default menu.
B. Share custom menus between tenants with similar needs.
C. Use the Manage Menus page to organize dashboards in a meaningful way.
D. If specific dashboards should not be available to a user,add them to a menu as a dimmed menu item.
Answer: C
CA Performance Center can be uninstalled:
A. by using the Uninstall_PerformanceCenter program.
B. only if you first uninstall the Event Manager and then run sudo apt-get remove.
C. by using the Installation Wizard only,which will also uninstall MySQL data and temporary directories by default.
D. by first uninstalling the Data Aggregator and then following the prompts that will enable you to select the database and UI-related components to remove.
Answer: A
Are Data Collectors a required component of a CA Performance Management installation?
A. Yes,to use CA Performance Management,you need one or more Data Collectors.
B. No,you do not need Data Collectors if you are operating in a virtual environment.
C. No,Data Collectors are only needed if you need to collect data from remote locations.
D. No,you do not need to use Data Collectors if CA Mediation Manager is part of your installation.
Answer: A
When you configure event notifications, which factor should you always consider?
A. Other users might be able to view the notifications.
B. The action to delete notifications does not affect actual or future events.
C. Notifications will continue to appear when the Event Manager is set to disabled.
D. CA Performance Management needs to be configured to use port 162 to send traps.
Answer: B
Which feature characterizes event rules?
A. They are not included in the default monitoring profiles,but you can easily add them if they are needed.
B. If a specific event rule does not trigger a notification,it cannot be seen in an event list or dashboard view.
C. When they are newly created,they are not applied by the Data Aggregator until at least two polling cycles occur.
D. They enable significant occurrences within theIT infrastructure to be viewed in CA Performance Manager Dashboard views.
Answer: D
In CA Performance Center, permission groups:
A. Are always read-only copies of system or custom groups.
B. Are custom groups that organize managed items for data access purposes.
C. Are known as context groups until they are assigned to user accounts as permission sets.
D. Are used to group users who have common access requirements to selected data sources.
Answer: B
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